Monday, October 25, 2010

More Fall Colours

1/50 sec, f/4.6, ISO 400, 18mm, hand-held

1/20 sec, f/5.7, ISO 400, 55mm, hand-held

1/25 sec, f/5.7, ISO 400, 55mm, hand-held

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fall Colours

It's been a while.

1/25 sec, f/5.7, ISO 400, 20mm, hand-held

1/800 sec, f/5.7, ISO 400, 55mm, hand-held

1/30 sec, f/5.7, ISO 400, 35mm, hand-held

Thursday, July 22, 2010


1/125 sec, f/16, 50mm + extension tubes, tripod, lit w/ Sunpak 622 @ 1/64 power hand-held above through wax paper with reflectors on either side

1/125 sec, f/16, 40mm + extension tubes, tripod, lit w/ Sunpak 622 @ 1/64 power hand-held above through wax paper
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Monday, July 5, 2010


Alain and I set out to photograph his car. There was a lot of trial and error, but I think they turned out half decent.

1/200 sec, f/9.9, ISO 100, tripod, flash SP622 ~1/4 power hand-held
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30 sec, f/9.1, ISO 100, tripod, flash SP622 ~1/8 power hand-held fired many times from camera left to right
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1/10 sec, f/18.2, ISO 100, hand-held
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Friday, June 25, 2010


I'm trying to get back into taking more pictures and updating this blog more often. My wife was out and Reuben was in bed a couple days ago so if I was going to do anything it had to be inside. This is what I ended up with. For more info, check out Behind the Scenes

1/125 sec, f/36.4, ISO 100, 35mm (56mm eqv.), hand-held, SunPak 622 @1/128 power ~12cm above, slight right.
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1/125 sec, f/28.1, ISO 100, 55mm (88mm eqv.), hand-held, SunPak 622 @1/128 power ~12cm above, slight right
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1/125 sec, f/36.4, ISO 100, 55mm (88mm eqv.), hand-held, SunPak 622 @1/128 power ~12cm above, slight right
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Saturday, June 19, 2010


Blowing bubbles inside makes for a slippery floor.

1/125 sec, f/2.5, ISO 100, 50mm, flash bounced off ceiling, hand-held

1/125 sec, f/2.5, ISO 100, 50mm, flash bounced off ceiling, hand-held

1/125 sec, f/2.5, ISO 100, 50mm, flash bounced off ceiling, hand-held

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Yay! 100 Followers.

Thanks Everyone!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day

Look at that, I took and posted a photo all in the same day. Like I said in the previous post, today is Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day. So here is my photo taken with the pinhole lens I made for my DSLR. Spring is slowly making its way to my part of the world, so I thought that a photo of new leaves on the trees would be appropriate.

10 sec, f/stop - unknown, ISO 100, pinhole lens, tripod

Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day

Today is Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day! So I'm going to try to get out sometime today to and use the pinhole lens I made a while back, this will be the first time since then. I've been going through a dry spell photographically over the last little while, maybe this will get me going again. Hopefully I'll be able to get the photos from today up in a timely manner, my computer has been on the fritz lately. We'll see.

About Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day
Wikipedia Page

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


1/160 sec
55mm (35mm eqv. 88mm)
ISO 200
lighting: Sunpak 622 Super Pro @ 1/128 power on camera left, reflecting off a white background

1/160 sec
55mm (35mm eqv. 88mm)
ISO 200
lighting: Sunpak 622 Super Pro @ 1/128 power on camera left, reflecting off a white background

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


1/160 sec
55mm (35mm eqv. 88mm)
ISO 200
lighting: Sunpak 622 Super Pro @ 1/128 power on camera left, reflecting off a white background

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bath Time

Reuben's graduated to the big tub.

1/160 sec
ISO 200 or 400
50mm (35mm eqv. 81mm)
Sunpak 622 flash reflected off white tub and ceiling

Monday, March 1, 2010


1/160 sec
55mm (35mm eqv. 88mm)
ISO 200
lighting: Sunpak 622 Super Pro @ 1/128 power on camera left, reflecting off a white background

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Did some more splash photos. I finally got a flash (I'll talk more about it later), which makes things much easier. No longer do I need to worry about having the fastest shutter speed possible, so I can close down the aperture to get a deeper depth of field.

I think this picture is interesting because it's actually two drops colliding in mid air. The first drop makes a splash and then a drop from the splash moves up and hits the next drop coming down. There's many other, much better, examples of this on the web, but it's the first time I've caught it.

1/160 sec
55mm (35mm eqv. 88mm)
ISO 200
lighting: Sunpak 622 Super Pro @ 1/128 power on camera left, reflecting off a white background

Monday, February 8, 2010

Where Have I Been?

It's been a while since my last post. Things have been a little slow around here lately since I pulled a muscle in my back a week ago and was confined to the couch for about four days. I'm mobile now, but not quite back to normal.

In other news, I'm starting a new job today so it's hard to say how much time I'll have for pictures. The first little while may be stressful, but I'll get something new someday.

I had to go back a ways to find a picture for today. I'm a computer programmer by day. I have a friend who has recently started a website ( for programmers in my area who are using a programming language called Java. He mentioned to me that he'd like some sort of Java related image to put in the header of the site. It didn't take me long to come up with an idea for an image. Java could also mean coffee, which many programmers seem to run on, although I never picked up the habit. I thought mixing the two would be fitting.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Reuben's Getting Bigger

I never run out of photo opportunities with Reuben around.

1/100 sec, f/1.8, ISO 1600, 50mm (35mm eqv. 81mm), hand-held, ambient lighting

1/60 sec, f/1.8, ISO 800, 50mm (35mm eqv. 81mm), hand-held, ambient lighting

Monday, January 25, 2010

Urban Spulunking

Found a cave (a.k.a. storm drain) near my house with lots of huge icicles.

1/15 sec, f/5.6, ISO 400, 55mm, hand-held

1/40 sec, f/5.6, ISO 800, 42mm, hand-held

1/10 sec, f/5.6, ISO 400, 25mm, hand-held

1/60 sec, f/5.6, ISO 800, 55mm, hand-held

Thursday, January 21, 2010


1/50 and 1/80 sec, f/5.7, ISO 400, 55mm (35mm eqv. 88mm), hand-held, halogen lighting and a little on-camera flash for the orange

This is another joint effort with Alain.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Old Houses Downtown

1/400 sec, f/9.1, ISO:200, 43mm (35mm eqv. 69mm), hand-held

Thursday, January 14, 2010


1/4000 sec, f/1.8, ISO 800, 50mm (35mm eqv. 81mm), tripod, halogen lighting

Thanks to Alain for the use of his hand :)

Monday, January 11, 2010
