Monday, July 5, 2010


Alain and I set out to photograph his car. There was a lot of trial and error, but I think they turned out half decent.

1/200 sec, f/9.9, ISO 100, tripod, flash SP622 ~1/4 power hand-held
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30 sec, f/9.1, ISO 100, tripod, flash SP622 ~1/8 power hand-held fired many times from camera left to right
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1/10 sec, f/18.2, ISO 100, hand-held
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  1. These shot are great! I think the last one is stupendous!! I feel like I am actually moving...that is amazing!!! How fast were you going? What I like about them is that my eye has a real hard time deciding whether to focus on the car or the sky...that would be a great ad for the car ya know? You think you are looking at the sky when in fact you are really looking at the car...GREAT job Joel..I love your work it truly inspires me. Thank you!

  2. Thanks Scooter!

    I think the car was traveling about 30km/h

  3. The tire marks in the first picture was me :)

  4. Very nice pics. Now if you had a nice car in there, they would be even better ;)

  5. Hey Luc, Welcome!

    It was better than my base-model Corolla :)
