Saturday, March 12, 2011

It Snowed A LOT this Year!

Here's a picture out my front window.  I should have put a black shirt on, instead of my white one, before taking this to cut back on the reflections.
1/320 sec, f/5.6, ISO ~100, hand-held, polarized filter, taken Feb 26, 2011.  This is a composite of five photos stitched together with Hugin.


  1. Oh, my. I thought I had it bad when I woke to find a three-foot drift across the driveway. That was the first week of February. It's all melted now.

  2. We've lost a couple feet this past week, but we still have anywhere from 2 to 5 or 6 feet on our front lawn. We could still have another storm this month.

  3. You do such amazing work! I must be one if not your biggest fan! I love the reflection stuff. If you wouldn't have said it was you chances are it might have just looked like a beam of light reflecting...thank you!
