Monday, April 20, 2009

The Snow is Almost Gone

Here's a little experiment I did last year. It's 32 pictures taken from April 5th to 22nd of the snow melting in the front yard.


  1. That is pretty cool, Joel! Is it a movie? How did you get it to show up like that?

  2. Hey, this is awesome. Did you stick that metal rod deliberately or was it always been there. It's certainly helping us to see the depth of the snow. I can't remember if we ever had that much snow here in London. Not since I came here anyway. So cool!

  3. It's not a movie, it's an animated GIF created with the GIMP ( For some reason Blogspot doesn't display animated GIF's right so I used to host it. I wanted to make it the same size as the rest of my photos, but has a size limit of 2 MB, it would have been 7 or 8 MB.

    The metal rod was not deliberate, but came in handy when I was putting the photos together. The camera moved a bit between each shot so the rod help to line them all up again. it's a little over a meter (more then 3 feet) high.

  4. this is so awesome! I've never seen anything like it! I can't believe it really took 17 days for all that snow to completely melt!!!!!

  5. imgur seems to have lost my photo :(
